Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers
75 min | MP4 | Full HD | 956 |
Comedy Horror movie with Fetish (BDSM) sex scenes | Full HD

Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers (1988)

"Chainsaws, babes, and Hollywood's darkest secret! Get ready for a blood-soaked battle of survival like you've never seen before!"
Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers

About movie :

Dive into the glitzy and sleazy world of Hollywood as a group of sorority babes unwittingly gets caught up in the deadly realm of chainsaw-wielding hookers. This outrageous horror-comedy film delivers a thrilling and hilarious ride filled with campy dialogue, over-the-top characters, and a cult that worships the lethal power of chainsaws.

IMDB Rating : 5,779/10 | Votes : 77

Other alternative titles: Japanese: ハリウッドのチェーンソー娼婦たちのソロリティベイブズ, Korean: 할리우드 체인소 훠카의 소로리티 베이브스, Chinese: 女大学生在好莱坞链锯妓女中, Thai: สาวเซอร์ริตี้ในฮอลลี้วู้ดของตัดไม้โกงกระสือในฮอลลี้วู้ด, Hindu: हॉलीवुड चेनसॉ हुकर्स में सोरोरिटी बेब्स, German: Sorority Babes in den Hollywood-Kettensägenhuren, Swedish: Sorority Babes i Hollywoods Motorsågshoror, Norwegian: Sorority Babes i Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers, Finnish: Sorority Babes Hollywoodin moottorisahahoroissa, Dutch: Sorority Babes in de Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers, Polish: Sorority Babes w Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers, Czech: Sorority Babes v Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers, Hungarian: Sorority Babes a Hollywood Chainsaw Hookersban, Italian: Sorority Babes nelle Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers, Spanish: Sorority Babes en las Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers, Portuguese: Sorority Babes em Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers, French: Sorority Babes dans les Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers, Greek: Οι φοιτήτριες στις αλυσοπρίονες πόρνες του Χόλιγουντ, Arabic: بنات الجامعة في قاتلات المنشار بالسلسلة في هوليوود, Egyptian: فتيات السورورية في قاتلات المنشار بالسلسلة في هوليوود, Romanian: Sorority Babes în Hookers de ferăstrău de lanț de la Hollywood, Turkish: Hollywood'da Zincir Testere Fahişelerdeki Kızlar
Production: American Independent Productions,Camp Video,Savage Cinema

Watch adult Classic, HollyWood online Comedy Horror "Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers 1988" or Download

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TIME 01:14:49
RESOLUTION FullHD | 1920x1080
AUDIO 2 channels/93.9 kb/s



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