DIRECTORS:Miklós Jancsó
- ACTORS:Lajos Balázsovits, Pamela Villoresi, Franco Branciaroli, Teresa Ann Savoy, Laura Betti, Ivica Pajer, Ilona Staller, Umberto Silva, Susanna Javicoli, Anikó Sáfár, Gloria Piedimonte, Gino Marturano, Andrija Tunjić
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About movie :
Immerse yourself in the opulent and decadent world of 19th-century Austro-Hungary in this bold and visually stunning Japanese film directed by Miklós Jancsó. "Private Vices, Public Virtues" takes you on a mesmerizing journey through a web of political intrigue, forbidden desires, and societal hypocrisy. As love and power intertwine, the film challenges conventional notions of morality and invites viewers to question the boundaries of personal freedoms and societal expectations.Other alternative titles: Japanese: プライベート・ヴァイス公共美徳 (Puraibēto vaisu kōkyō bitoku), Korean: 사적한 욕망, 공공의 미덕 (Sajeokhan yokmang, gonggong-ui mideok), Chinese: 私欲与公德 (Sīyù yǔ gōngdé), Thai: ความใฝ่ฝันส่วนตัว ประโยชน์สาธารณะ (Kwam fàfǎn sùan dtuua, bpràyòt sǎathārana), Hindu: निजी लोभ, सार्वजनिक गुण (Nijī lobha, sārvajanik guṇ), German: Private Laster, öffentliche Tugenden, Swedish: Privata Laster, Offentliga Dygder, Norwegian: Private Last, Offentlige Dyder, Finnish: Yksityiset Paheet, Julkiset Hyveet, Dutch: Privaat Ondeugd, Publieke Deugd, Polish: Prywatne Wady, Publiczne Cnoty, Czech: Soukromé Slabosti, Veřejné Ctnosti, Hungarian: Magánbűnök, Közjó, Italian: Vizi Privati, Pubbliche Virtù, Spanish: Vicios Privados, Virtudes Públicas, Portuguese: Vícios Privados, Virtudes Públicas, French: Vices privés, Vertus publiques, Greek: Ιδιωτικά Κακά, Δημόσιες Αρετές (Idiotiká kaká, Dimóseas arités), Arabic: الذنوب الخاصة، الفضائل العامة (Adhunub alkhassa, alfada'il aleama), Egyptian: الذنوب الشخصية، الفضائل العامة (Adhunub alshakhsia, alfada'il aleama), Romanian: Vicii Private, Virtuți Publice, Turkish: Özel Arzular, Kamusal Erdemler
Production: Jadran Film,Filmes Cinematografica
Watch adult Classic, Europe online Historical Drama " " or Download
FILE SIZE | 1.98 GB |
TIME | 01:43:42 |
RESOLUTION | FullHD | 1920x1080 |
AUDIO | 1 channel/224 kb/s |
https://hotlink.cc/8xkvpj816k1s |
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