Pink Flamingos
92 min | MKV | HD | 1 825 |
Classic sex Comedy movie with Mature sex scenes | HD

Pink Flamingos (1972)

"An exercise in poor taste"
Our Rating:
5 vote
Pink Flamingos

About movie :

Daring and audacious cult classic directed by John Waters. This provocative film pushes the boundaries of taste and conventional filmmaking, immersing viewers in a world of shock, transgression, and subversion. At its core, the story revolves around Divine and her eccentric family as they compete for the title of "the filthiest people alive." Set in the seedy underbelly of Baltimore, the film gleefully embraces its own filthiness, challenging societal norms and offering a biting critique of mainstream culture. With its dark comedy, grotesque imagery, and explicit scenes, "Pink Flamingos" shocks and disturbs while delivering a scathing commentary on hypocrisy and absurdity. It fearlessly explores themes of sexuality, gender, and the pursuit of notoriety, presenting a raw and unfiltered portrayal that intentionally confronts the audience's sensibilities. Unforgettable characters, bizarre situations, and irreverent humor have solidified "Pink Flamingos" as a notorious and influential cult classic that continues to captivate and divide audiences to this day.

IMDB Rating : 6,222/10 | Votes : 395

Other alternative titles: Pink Flamingos - An exercise in poor tase, Розовые фламинго

Watch adult Classic online Comedy "Pink Flamingos 1972" or Download

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TIME 01:42:44
RESOLUTION HD | 1280x720
AUDIO 2 channels/


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