Masseuse 3
90 min | MKV | SD | 627 |
Thriller movie with Busty sex scenes | SD

Masseuse 3 (1998)

+18 ONLY XXX CONTENT "Desire knows no boundaries in the seductive world of secrets."
    In the captivating film "Masseuse 3" (1998), directed by Gary Graver and written by Sean O'Bannon, the lives of three inseparable girlfriends unfold in a world where secrets and desires intertwine within the walls of a seemingly innocent massage parlor. This continuation of the popular film series delves deeper into the intricate web of their intertwined destinies. When a brave policeman stumbles upon the famous massage parlor during an investigation, he unwittingly opens a Pandora's box of hidden truths and forbidden temptations. As he delves further into the case, he becomes entangled in the alluring lives of the three girlfriends who find solace and pleasure in the embrace of the massage parlor, which harbors secrets that extend beyond its surface. As the investigation progresses, intriguing details and unexpected connections emerge, revealing the depths of desire, deceit, and complex relationships that lie beneath the facade of the massage parlor. "Masseuse 3" (1998) is a thrilling and seductive exploration of human passions, hidden desires, and the enigmatic allure of a place where pleasure and danger coexist.
  • Tags: massage, police officers, brothel, enigmatic, carnal pleasure, danger, captivating, investigation, relationships, alluring, realistic, fantasies
Our Rating:
11 vote
Masseuse 3

About movie :

"Masseuse 3" (1998) continues the enthralling film series directed by Gary Graver and written by Sean O'Bannon, where three close girlfriends find themselves inseparably linked to a massage parlor that conceals more than meets the eye. As a courageous policeman stumbles upon the parlor during an investigation, the enigmatic lives of the three friends slowly unravel, exposing a world of hidden truths and desires. Within the seemingly innocent walls of the massage parlor, intricate relationships and forbidden liaisons come to light, drawing the policeman further into the captivating web of secrets. Each revelation leads him down a path of temptation and seduction, blurring the lines between his duty and the allure of the massage parlor.

IMDB Rating : 4,1/10 | Votes : 147

Other alternative titles: Japanese: マッサージ師 3 (1998) Korean: 마사지사 3 (1998) German: Masseuse 3 (1998) Italian: Massaggiatrice 3 (1998) Spanish: Masajista 3 (1998) French: Masseuse 3 (1998) Greek: Μασέζ 3 (1998)
Production: Royal Oaks Entertainment Inc., Sapphire Media International, New City Releasing, Full Moon Features, SPI International

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