The Invisible Maniac
85 min | MP4 | SD | 704 |
Rape movie with School sex scenes | SD

The Invisible Maniac (1990)

"The new physics professor has a disappearing act that's a real scream."
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The Invisible Maniac

About movie :

A budding young scientist lad is caught by his mom checking out the lady across the way with his telescope, whereupon she lectures him on the evils of women. Twenty years later and all grown up, the scientist announces his theories of invisibility, and his colleagues laugh, to which he responds by killing four of them. He escapes from the loony bin and gets a job teaching summer school physics at a high school. The students decide to tease him about the same time as he perfects his invisible juice, and he goes on a spree of vengeance.

IMDB Rating : 4.3/10 | Votes : 3600

Other alternative titles: Um Maníaco Invisível; Le maniaque invisible; Memorias de un maníaco invisible; Маньяк-невидимка; El maníaco invisible; The Invisible Sex Maniac; Das Serum des Grauens
Production: Smoking Gun Pictures; Runny Mede House Music

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TIME 01:25:45
RESOLUTION SD | 1280x698
AUDIO 2 channels/128 kb/s


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