Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals
85 min | MP4 | SD | 2 012 |
Horror movie with Fetish (BDSM), Interracial sex scenes | SD

Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals (1977)

"Beyond the limits of civilization, lies a world of forbidden desires."
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12 vote
Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals

About movie :

In this daring and thought-provoking film, a fearless journalist ventures into the depths of the Amazon rainforest, uncovering the chilling secrets of a tribe with cannibalistic practices. "Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals" combines elements of adventure, horror, and eroticism to create a captivating and controversial cinematic experience. Prepare to be drawn into a world where danger and desire collide, as Emanuelle's journey takes her to the edge of her own sanity.

IMDB Rating : 4,8/10 | Votes : 71

Other alternative titles: Japanese: エマヌエルと最後のカニバルたち (Emanueru to Saigo no Kanibaru-tachi) Korean: 에마누엘과 마지막 식인족 (Emanu-eul-gwa Majimak Sik-injok) Chinese: 艾曼妞與最後的食人族 (Àimàn nīu yǔ Zuìhòu de Shírénzú) Thai: เอมานูเอลล์กับชนเผ่าล่าสุด (Emanunel kap Chon Phao La Sut) Hindi: इमानुएल और अंतिम खानाबदोश (Imānuel aur Antim Khānābadośh) German: Emanuelle und die letzten Kannibalen Italian: Emanuelle e gli ultimi cannibali Spanish: Emanuelle y los últimos caníbales French: Emanuelle et les derniers cannibales Greek: Εμανουέλλα και οι τελευταίοι κανίβαλοι

Watch adult Classic, Europe online Horror "Emanuelle e gli ultimi cannibali 1977" or Download

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TIME 01:33:06
RESOLUTION SD | 1280x682
AUDIO 2 channels/112 kb/s



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