DIRECTORS:Frederic Raphael, Ken Russell, Tony Richardson
- ACTORS:Melanie Griffith, James Woods, Molly Ringwald, Peter Weller, Beau Bridges, Elizabeth McGovern, Carmen Segarra, Felipe García Vélez, Luis Maluenda, Liza Ross, Louis Mahoney, Philip O'Brien, Dominic Hawksley, Paul Raphael
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About movie :
Enter the complex and captivating world of human relationships as "Women and Men: Stories of Seduction" weaves together a collection of interconnected tales exploring desire, temptation, and the intricate dance of seduction. With an ensemble cast, the film delves into the power dynamics, vulnerabilities, and transformative nature of love, offering a thought-provoking and nuanced examination of the complexities between men and women.Other alternative titles: Japanese: 女性と男性:誘惑の物語, Korean: 여자와 남자: 유혹의 이야기, Chinese: 女人和男人:诱惑的故事, Thai: หญิงและผู้ชาย: เรื่องราวของการล่อลวง, Hindu: महिला और पुरुष: सम्मोहन की कहानियाँ, German: Frauen und Männer: Geschichten der Verführung, Swedish: Kvinnor och män: Berättelser om förförelse, Norwegian: Kvinner og menn: Historier om forførelse, Finnish: Naiset ja miehet: Kiihottumisen tarinoita, Dutch: Vrouwen en Mannen: Verhalen van Verleiding, Polish: Kobiety i mężczyźni: Historie uwodzenia, Czech: Ženy a muži: Příběhy svádění, Hungarian: Nők és Férfiak: Szerelmi történetek, Italian: Donne e uomini: Storie di seduzione, Spanish: Mujeres y hombres: Historias de seducción, Portuguese: Mulheres e Homens: Histórias de Sedução, French: Femmes et Hommes: Histoires de séduction, Greek: Γυναίκες και Άνδρες: Ιστορίες Σαγήνης, Arabic: النساء والرجال: قصص الاغراء, Egyptian: النساء والرجال: قصص الإغراء, Romanian: Femei și Bărbați: Povești de Seducție, Turkish: Kadınlar ve Erkekler: Baştan Çıkarma Hikayeleri.
Production: HBO
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FILE SIZE | 1.45 GB |
TIME | 01:23:23 |
RESOLUTION | SD | 624x464 |
AUDIO | 2 channels/192 kb/s |
https://hotlink.cc/8chbko86e3c7 |
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