- ACTORS:Anna Raadsveld, Benja Bruijning, Charlie Dagelet, Tom Van Landuyt, Renée Fokker, Joost Bolt, Isis Cabolet, Roscoe Leijen, Tom Jansen, Maureen Teeuwen, Barbara Beernink, Chava Voor in 't Holt, Tess Milne, Steven Joles, Alicia Berendse, Esther Niemantsverdriet, Chloé Leenheer, Kees van Zantwijk
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About movie :
Embark on a musical journey of self-discovery as a talented violinist navigates the complexities of her conservative music school and discovers her true identity. This poignant coming-of-age drama explores themes of love, passion, and the transformative power of music.Other alternative titles: Japanese: レル・ベル (Reru beru), Korean: 렐벨 (Ryelbel), Chinese: 乐热贝尔 (Yuè rè bèi'ěr), Thai: เลลเบล (Lelbela), Hindu: लेल्लेबेल (Lellebēla), German: LelleBelle, Swedish: LelleBelle, Norwegian: LelleBelle, Finnish: LelleBelle, Dutch: LelleBelle, Polish: LelleBelle, Czech: LelleBelle, Hungarian: LelleBelle, Italian: LelleBelle, Spanish: LelleBelle, Portuguese: LelleBelle, French: LelleBelle, Arabic: ليلبيل (Laylbyl), Egyptian: ليلبيل (Laylbyl), Romanian: LelleBelle, Turkish: LelleBelle
Production: Pupkin,CoBo Fonds,BNN
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FILE SIZE | 1.10 GB |
TIME | 01:29:20 |
RESOLUTION | HD | 1280x720 |
AUDIO | 2 channels/ |
https://hotlink.cc/nqw8fi8f8dwx |
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