DIRECTORS:Francis Locke
- ACTORS:Tabitha Stevens, Frankie Dashwood, Dino Bravo, Dante Brice, Monica Mayhem, Rachel Elizabeth
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About movie :
Enter the enticing world of young companions as they navigate the complexities of their profession, where boundaries blur and personal lives intersect with professional responsibilities.Other alternative titles: Japanese: シーメールエスコート (Shīmēru Esukōto), Korean: 대학생 에스코트 (Daehaksaeng Eseukoteu), Chinese: 大学生陪游 (Dàxuéshēng Péiyóu), Thai: นักศึกษาอีสคอร์ต (Nạks̄eụ̄x s̄eụ̄ks kxr̒t), Hindu: कोएड एस्कॉर्ट (Koēḍa ēskŏrṭa), German: Studentische Begleitpersonen (2006), Swedish: Student Eskorter (2006), Norwegian: Student Eskorter (2006), Finnish: Opiskelija Saattajat (2006), Dutch: Studenten Escorts (2006), Polish: Studenckie Eskorty (2006), Czech: Studentské Doprovody (2006), Hungarian: Diáklány Kísérők (2006), Italian: Escort Universitarie (2006), Spanish: Acompañantes Universitarias (2006), Portuguese: Acompanhantes Universitárias (2006), French: Escortes Étudiantes (2006), Arabic: مرافقات الطالبات (Murāfaqāt al-Ṭālibāt), Egyptian: مرافقات الطلاب (Murāfaqāt al-Talāb), Romanian: Escorte Studente (2006), Turkish: Üniversite Öğrenci Eşlik (2006)
Production: Torchlight Pictures
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FILE SIZE | 254 MB |
TIME | 01:20:38 |
RESOLUTION | SD | 640x480 |
AUDIO | 2 channels/96.0 kb/s |
https://hotlink.cc/nd97wiis6jux |
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