Schoolgirl Report Part 2: What Keeps Parents Awake at Night
91 min | MKV | SDULTRA | 6 239 |
Erotic movie with Old and young, Outdoor, Teens, Teacher and student, School sex scenes | SDULTRA

Schoolgirl Report Part 2: What Keeps Parents Awake at Night (1971)

+18 ONLY XXX CONTENT "Unveiling the secrets of teenage desire and the fears that haunt parents."
Our Rating:
30 vote
Schoolgirl Report Part 2: What Keeps Parents Awake at Night

About movie :

Step into the provocative world of teenage sexuality and parental concerns with this gripping film that explores the hidden desires and fears of adolescents. Through candid interviews and compelling vignettes, the movie delves into the complexities of youth, desire, and the worries that haunt parents at night. It challenges societal taboos and sparks conversations about consent, peer pressure, and the delicate balance between freedom and responsibility. This thought-provoking exploration of teenage sexuality aims to shed light on the challenges young people face and encourage open dialogue between generations.

IMDB Rating : 5,4/10 | Votes : 21

Other alternative titles: Japanese: 学園生活報告書 第2部:夜を眠れなくするもの Korean: 여학생 보고서 파트 2: 밤에 부모를 깨우는 것들 Chinese: 学生报告第二部:夜晚让家长失眠的原因 Thai: รายงานนักเรียน ภาค 2: สิ่งที่ทำให้พ่อแม่ตื่นตากลมกลืนในยามค่ำคืน Hindi: स्कूलगर्ल रिपोर्ट पार्ट 2: रात को जगाने वाली माता-पिता की चिंता German: Schulmädchen-Report Teil 2: Was Eltern nachts wach hält Italian: Rapporto Scolastico Parte 2: Ciò che toglie il sonno ai genitori di notte Spanish: Informe Escolar Parte 2: Lo que mantiene despiertos a los padres por la noche French: Rapport d'écolière Partie 2 : Ce qui empêche les parents de dormir la nuit Greek: Έκθεση Μαθήτριας Μέρος 2: Αυτό που κρατά τους γονείς ξύπνιους τη νύχτα
Production: Rapid Film

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TIME 01:25:20
AUDIO 2 channels/192 kb/s


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