About movie :
In the vibrant streets of Buenos Aires, two strangers find solace in each other's company on a fateful train ride. "7:20 Once a Week" explores the delicate dance between love and responsibility as Clara, a talented pianist, and Alejandro, a successful architect, navigate their longing for something more in the midst of their own separate lives. Through stolen moments and whispered confessions, their connection deepens, leaving them to question the choices they have made. This emotionally charged film captures the essence of human relationships and the transformative power of love.Other alternative titles: Japanese: 週に一度、7:20 Korean: 일주일에 한 번, 7:20 Chinese: 每週一次,7:20 Thai: ทุกสัปดาห์ครั้งเดียว 7:20 Hindi: हफ्ते में एक बार, 7:20 German: Jeden Mittwoch um 7:20 Swedish: En gång i veckan, 7:20 Norwegian: En gang i uken, 7:20 Finnish: Kerran viikossa, 7:20 Dutch: Eenmaal per week, 7:20 Polish: Raz w tygodniu, 7:20 Czech: Jednou týdně, 7:20 Hungarian: Hetente egyszer, 7:20 Italian: Una volta a settimana, 7:20 Spanish: Una vez a la semana, 7:20 Portuguese: Uma vez por semana, 7:20 French: Une fois par semaine, 7:20 Greek: Μια φορά την εβδομάδα, 7:20 Arabic: مرة واحدة في الأسبوع، 7:20 Romanian: O dată pe săptămână, 7:20 Turkish: Haftada bir kez, 7:20
Production: Larimar Films
Watch adult Europe online Drama " " or Download
FILE SIZE | 751 MB |
TIME | 01:17:18 |
RESOLUTION | SD | 720x408 |
AUDIO | 2 channels/188 kb/s |
https://hotlink.cc/avh2kpqp00gv |
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